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  1. You might also have problems with the ANSI c headers. To solve this problem
    sudo apt-get install libc6-dev


The first step in order to build a model is to choose a directory where the models will be created. This is done by setting an environment variable


Afterwards run build the model. Informap accepts two formats: a single file where documents are divided by xml markers or as set of files, where every file contains exactly one document. I decided to use this second option. As input, there should be a file specifying the name of file containing a document.

infomap-build -m /usr/local/share/corpora/manyNames.txt many_01

Remember to add Infomap to your PATH variable. The installation includes a manual of all the applications available. In corpora directory, you will find a simple py script for building a corpora from a file where every line is a document. Afterwards I used the following command:

infomap-build -m /net/data/CL/projects/wordspace/software_tests/corpora/infoCorpus/directory.txt firstModel

In order to change the default configuration of the model, you would need to change the file: ??. I ran tests only with the default configuration (including reduction to 100 dimension). 'directory.txt' is a file containing the name of every file-document in the directory where the corpus is saved. Although the manual doesn't specify what markers should be used, including every file-name in a new line works out. The option '-m' (or '-sf' for single file) specifies the type of corpus. Finally, 'fistModel' is the name of the model created in 'INFOMAP_WORKING_DIR'. Two tests were run and the resulting models are available in the server: firstModel (using approximately 30000 documents -minus corrupted documents- in the Wiki Corpus. Constructing the model took me less than five minutes and the resulting directory occupies 65Mb.

A second test was conducted again with the Wiki-Corpus, this time with 200000 documents. Constructing the model take less than 10 minutes. The resulting directory occupies 312Mb

In order to access the models, the standard command is

associate [<options>] <model> <word>

Among the option, it is possible to obtain a word vector, the nearest neighbors of a word, or the word-document vector. Consider:

associate -m <pathToTargetModel> -d -i d -n 10 document_100.txt

This command retrieves the information from the model in <pathToTargetModel>, in particular, the output should be again 10 (-n 10 ) documents (-d ), the input should be a document (- i d ). The input is the document 'document_100.txt'. (In the server you would find the document in './infoCorpus'). After performing

associate -m <pathToTargetModel> -w -i d -n 10 document_100.txt

i.e., looking for words instead of document close to 'document_100.txt' the result was:


This turned out to be the entry of Kubricks film "The Clock Work Orange" :-). The most related document corresponds to the film "Pretty in Pink" An interesting option provided by Infomap is to install a model. This option is preferred for fina results, which should be available to several users. Following the manual, installing a model is not much more than moving a selected number of files from a non-installed model directory to a directory available system-wide. This option is intended to keep intermediate and final results apart.