SemanticVectors: Still in development and maintenance. It seems to be a nice possibility. However there are several problems with the compatibility of Lucene and SV.
- Written in Java
- Good sponsored!
- Uses a Random Projection Algorithm
- Doesn't use SVD!!
- You NEED Lucene3.X (a Java library to performe text-search)
Installation Instruction
Please read the very last point before starting this tutorial.
This is an installation tutorial for dolts like me, that means, I wrote it after fighting for hours with my lack of intelligence. I hope it helps you to install SemanticVectors quickly. You might need several things before installing SV, in particular a java developer kit, a building tool (ant) and Lucene, a library to search text. Everything is documented in this tutorial.
Install Lucene:
- You will need JDK and ANT:
- You can download both from a repository:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk sudo apt-get install ant sudo apt-get install ant-doc
- You can test your installation with the the following command on your terminal:
ant -version
You should get something like
Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on September 8 2010
- Untar the gz file in your desired location.
- Go to the target directory.
- If every thing is allright (if ant is working properly), then run ant in the current directory; it would automatically detect build.xml.
- You will need to set the appropiate CLASSPATH. CLASSPATH specify the location of Java libraries. To check up if the variable is declared in your system:
- Althought there are (supposedly) several methods to set CLASSPATH the only one which worked for me was the following: You will have to edit bashrc
gedit .bashrc
- At the end of the document add:
export {location of lucene}/lucene-3.0.2/lucene-demos-3.0.2.jar:{location of lucene}/lucene-3.0.2/lucene-core-3.0.2.jar"
in my case:
export CLASSPATH="/home/eduardo/programas/lucene/lucene-3.0.2/lucene-demos-3.0.2.jar:/home/eduardo/programas/lucene/lucene-3.0.2/lucene-core-3.0.2.jar"
- Reboot your computer. Now Lucene should be working.
- In order to check if everything is all right you should do the following.
- Untar the corpus in a desired location. Normally the directory will we: bible_chapters. Go to that directory and run the following command:
java org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexFiles {complete bible_chapters path}
- In my case:
java org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexFiles /home/eduardo/programas/SemanticVectors/bible_chapters
- If everything runs ok, you should be done. An index directory will be created in bible_chapters. You should be able to perform some simple test using the demo library included in lucene.
Install SemanticVector
- This is the binary installation method. You could actually built SemanticVector by downloading the appropriate file and using again ant. I don't recommend it.
- Dowload SemanticVector .jar file.
- Move this file to the desire location
- Again open bashrc and add to CLASSPATH the desire file. In my case it looks like:
export CLASSPATH="/home/eduardo/programas/lucene/lucene-3.0.2/lucene-demos-3.0.2.jar:/home/eduardo/programas/lucene/lucene-3.0.2/lucene-core-3.0.2.jar:/home/eduardo/programas/SemanticVectors/semanticvectors-1.8.jar"
- Reboot your Computer.
- By now every thing should be working. Go to the directory where you ran lucene. Run the following command:
java {location in your computer}/bible_chapters/index/
- Now you are ready to use SemanticVectors. In this point I realized that there is a (probably) very serious bug. Since lucene is constantly actualized and SV depends on Lucene, there are several compatibility issues between both. In particular, a class form Lucene has been deprecated in the last version. I checked in the official community and there are not answers to this issue, although others have reported the same problem. Maybe a I get some feedback regarding this problem. Otherwise an older version of the software will be necessary.
— Eduardo Aponte 2010/10/31 13:49