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It is working in my computer. I will write a script and run it on the whole American National Corpus and test results, memory and the type of vector produced! I talked with the Adms. and in the next few days the package should be running on the server.


  • Develop in UCLA,
  • Set of Java libraries,
  • It is not finished; it is not dead code, though.
  • There is a rich documentation regarding the algorithms and the implementation.
  • Since it is a collection of algorithms, it is necessary to decide which ones are necessary!
  • "The focus of this framework is to ease the development of new algorithms and the comparison against existing models." (Jurgens, Stevens).
  • "Each word space algorithms is designed to run as a stand alone program and also to be used as a library class." (Jurgens, Stevens).
  • The library supports word-document vectors.
  • The authors affirm that it can collect more that a context-vector for a single word depending on the semantic meaning (e.g. bank as institution and bank as "Sitztgelegenheit" :-))
  • "Libraries provide support for converting between multiple matrix formats, enabling interaction with external matrix-based program".
  • SVD and randomized projections.
  • From the pictures, scalability of most of the algorithms seems to grow with a linear factor!
  • The package is constituted by four type of tools:
    • A library (implementation) of commonly used algorithms in semantic spaces.
    • Tools for building semantic models
    • Evaluation tools (e.g. TOEFL test for synonyms).
    • Interaction tools (e.g. queries, etc.).


  • Required Software
    • svn (Subversion). Can be installed with a apt-get command:
      sudo apt-get install subversion
  • To installed the package go to a target directory. The authors recommends to use the following command:
    svn checkout sspace-read-only
  • A new directory should have been created. Go to the directory and use the command

    . Ant is part of the Apache project and is used to build java libraries. It will automatically detect the file build.html and install from it. I explained here how to install ant.

  • If you want to make direct use of the .jar, you would also like to use the command

Technical Issues


  • The S-Space package supports reading and writing several matrix file formats. Among those supported are
    • SVDLIBC text, sparse text, binary and sparse binary
    • Matlab and Octave dense text and sparse text formats
    • CLUTO sparse text
  • The package provide an user interface, i.e., a class to used S-package from the terminal.
  • The package provide utilities to process 'raw text', meaning this that these utilities presuppose corpus pre-processing! The user might select how the text files are structures, i.e., a single string data file, as files, etc. Check here for a short tutorial.

Eduardo Aponte 2010/11/16 10:38

First Trial

  • The trials I am performing now are based only on using the already developed .jar files and executing the programs from the command lines, i.e., doing no hacking on any class
  • I began with a very simple trial on the whole corpus using LSA without threads. As expected, after 20 minutes the processes finished with a memory error.

Second Trial

  • I ran the following command on the corpus
    java -jar /net/data/CL/projects/wordspace/software_tests/sPackage/sspace-read-only/bin/lsa.jar -dwp500_articles_hw.latin1.txt.gz  -X200 -t10 -v -n100 results/firstTry.sspace

    This command should read 200 documents from the corpus (the first 200 lines), using 10 threads (no idea how this would take place) and use svd (default set) with 100 dimensions. I didn't check memory, although I allowed a verbose terminal output.

    • Nicely I got the following:
      FINE: Processed all 200 documents in 0.271 total seconds
    • However, as expected, the process got stuck during SVD:
      Nov 21, 2010 12:44:10 PM edu.ucla.sspace.lsa.LatentSemanticAnalysis processSpace
      INFO: reducing to 100 dimensions
      Nov 21, 2010 12:44:10 PM edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.MatrixIO matlabToSvdlibcSparseBinary
      INFO: Converting from Matlab double values to SVDLIBC float values; possible loss of precision
    • Interestingly, this class uses as internal representation of the document vectors MATLAB matrices. This is important, because this format is used also by SVD implementation in scipy and in divisi.